🐢🐱 Pet Therapy: Companionship, Comfort, and Joy for Seniors πŸΎπŸ’–

Published on 20 December 2024 at 13:41

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Did you know that spending time with furry friends can do wonders for your well-being?  Pet therapy brings the unconditional love of animals right to our residents, offering companionship, comfort, and a whole lot of joy!  Whether it's a gentle cuddle with a cat or a playful game of fetch with a dog, these interactions create moments of pure happiness. 

Pros: Reduces loneliness, lowers blood pressure, boosts mood, and increases social interaction. 

 Cons: May not be suitable for residents with allergies or fear of animals.

Do: Always ask residents about their preferences and allergies before introducing pet therapy.

 Don't: Force interaction with animals if a resident seems uncomfortable.

Reference: Mayo Clinic - Animal-assisted therapy: Can it help you? 

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